Kevin Jerome Everson

Born - Mansfield, Ohio

Kevin Jerome Everson lives and works in Charlottesville, Virginia. He holds a MFA from Ohio University, and a BFA from the University of Akron, and is Professor of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Everson was awarded the 2012 Alpert Award for Film/Video. His films has been the subject of mid-career retrospectives at the Tate Modern (Fall 2017); Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, Korea (February 2017); Viennale (2014); Visions du Reel, Nyon, Switzerland (2012), The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY (2011) and Centre Pompidou, Paris in 2009.  His work has been featured at the 2008, 2012, and 2017 Whitney Biennials and the 2013 Sharjah Biennial. Everson will co-curate the 2018 Flaherty Seminar with writer/curator Greg DeCuir Jr.

Everson’s paintings, sculptures, photographs, and films, including nine features (Spicebush, 2005; Cinnamon, 2006; The Golden Age of Fish, 2008; Erie, 2010; Quality Control, 2011; The Island of St. Matthews, 2013; Park Lanes, 2015; 8903 Empire, 2016; and Tonsler Park, 2017), and over 130 short form works, have been exhibited internationally at film festivals including Chicago, Sundance, Toronto, Venice, Rotterdam, Berlin, London, BAFICI, Ann Arbor, Oberhausen; cinemas, galleries, museums and public and private art institutions, including  Whitechapel, London, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH, Museum of Modern Art, New York, and REDCAT, Los Angeles. 

In 2011, a solo exhibition of 17 short form works, More Than That: Films of Kevin Jerome Everson, was featured at the Whitney Museum of American Art. A three DVD boxed set, Broad Daylight and Other Times, was released by the Video Data Bank (U.S.) in 2011, and a compilation dedicated to films focusing on the subject of labor, I Really Hear That: Quality Control and Other Works, was released by VDB in summer 2017. The compilation contains the feature film Quality Control (2011), included in the 2012 Whitney Biennial.

Everson has received fellowships from the Guggenheim, NEA, NEH, Ohio Arts Council, and the Virginia Museum, an American Academy Rome Prize, grants from the Wexner Center for the Arts, Creative Capital and the Mid-Atlantic, residencies at Mobile Frames/Media City (Windsor/Detroit), Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Yaddo and MacDowell Colony, and numerous university fellowships.

Artist Collection List

Title Year Runtime Collection
140 Over 90 2008 2 minutes 11 seconds Single Titles
72 2002 3 minutes 30 seconds Single Titles
753 McPherson Street 2009 2 minutes Single Titles
A Week in the Hole 2001 6 minutes Single Titles
Aquarius 2003 1 minute 30 seconds Single Titles
Blind Huber 2005 2 minutes Single Titles
Broad Daylight and Other Times: Selected Works of Kevin Jerome Everson 2011 3 hours 2 minutes 4 seconds Box Sets
BZV 2010 30 minutes Single Titles
Cinnamon 2006 1 hour 10 minutes Single Titles
Company Line 2009 30 minutes Single Titles
FEELINGS 2016 1 hour 37 minutes 17 seconds Curated Compilations
Fifeville 2005 15 minutes Single Titles
Half On, Half Off 2011 3 minutes 36 seconds Single Titles
Home 2008 1 minute 30 seconds Single Titles
I Really Hear That: Quality Control and Other Works 2017 2 hours 49 minutes Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Ike 2008 2 minutes 30 seconds Single Titles
Lead 2009 3 minutes Single Titles
Mansfield Product Company 2014 2 minutes 15 seconds Single Titles
Old Cat 2009 11 minutes 25 seconds Single Titles
Pictures from Dorothy 2003 5 minutes 30 seconds Single Titles
Playing Dead 2008 1 minute 30 seconds Single Titles
Quality Control 2011 1 hour 11 minutes Single Titles
Ring 2008 1 minute 30 seconds Single Titles
Second and Lee 2008 3 minutes Single Titles
Something Else 2007 2 minutes Single Titles
Sound That 2014 11 minutes 40 seconds Single Titles
Sportello Quattro 2002 6 minutes Single Titles
Ten Five in the Grass 2012 32 minutes Single Titles
The Picnic 2007 2 minutes 30 seconds Single Titles
Twenty Minutes 2005 3 minutes Single Titles
Two-Week Vacation 2005 1 minute 16 seconds Single Titles
Undefeated 2008 3 minutes Single Titles
Vanessa 2002 3 minutes 12 seconds Single Titles