Colectivo Los Ingrávidos: Paraconsistent Sequences & Undecidable Sequences

Cloud , 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Crypt, 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Miscelánea, 2021

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Path , 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Politics , 2021

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Resonance, 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Sequence, 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Silhouette, 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

The Trial, 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Triangle , 2021

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.

Underworld , 2022

Part of the paraconsistent sequence series.