Eiko Otake: Virtual Studio

Another Day, 2020

This is the fourth work of Eiko's 2020 Wesleyan Virtual Creative Residency and a collaboration with William Johnston. After seeing Room and Visit, Bill (another collaborator of Eiko at the 2017 Rauschenberg Residency) sent her photographs taken in the same space.

Photographs by William Johnston
Video and sound edit by Eiko Otake
Soundscape created in collaboration between Eiko Otake and David Harrington (violin).

Attending, 2018

In collaboration with Iris McCloughan.

A Body in a Cemetery is a 15-min short film that documents a place-inspired solo performance by dancer/choreographer Eiko Otake in Green-Wood Cemetery, the U.S.’s second oldest cemetery in Brooklyn that holds 570,000 "permanent residents." Presented in September 2020 by Pioneer Works and Green-Wood Cemetery, this event was for many the first time attending a live performance since the pandemic shutdown.

Deer Island, 2021

Eiko Otake, with her collaborator Merian Soto, visited a friend Bonnie Brooks in her country house and had a long walk in the forest. There was a small island occupied by three deers. They later returned to it and the deer were gone so Eiko danced in that place she named Deer Island.

Fish House, 2020

Developed in collaboration with and performed by DonChristian Jones.

The footage was filmed by Eiko during the Rauschenberg Foundation Residency in Captiva, FL in November 2017. Eiko edited the footage in Japan during her 2020 Virtual Creative Residency hosted by Wesleyan University. After editing, Eiko realized this is the first media work she created without her body.

Directed by Eiko Otake as a part of The Duet Project: Distance is Malleable.

Collaboration with Joseph Scheer (print making artist specializing in moths) and Rebekkah Palov.
Choreography and editing by Eiko Otake, assisted by Rebekkah Palov.
Eiko is deeply grateful to Institute for Electronic Arts, Alfred University.

This is a story of friendship between two independent female artists and their body memories each willingly carry. In January 2020, New York based, interdisciplinary performing artist Eiko Otake arrived in Beijing to visit Wen Hui, a Chinese choreographer and filmmaker. Eight years apart, Eiko grew up in postwar Japan and Wen during the Cultural Revolution. They planned to visit each other for a month to converse and collaborate. The surge of COVID-19 abruptly cut off Eiko's visit and the pandemic has made Wen's visit to the USA impossible but the collaboration continued.

Room, 2020

In collaboration with DonChristian Jones.

Room was produced during 2020 virtual creative residency of Eiko Otake supported by the Center for the Arts, Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.

Camera by DonChristian Jones.
Filmed during the Rauschenberg Residency Captiva, FL in November 2017.
Edited by Eiko Otake.


Commissioned by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) for the occasion of Eiko receiving the Sam Miller Performing Arts Award. Premiered at LMCC’s A Toast to Downtown on December 9, 2020. Shot at LMCC’s Arts Center at Governors Island.

Performer Eiko Otake.
Director/Editor Liz Sargent.
DP Minos Papas.
Production by Cyprian Films, New York.

Visit, 2017

A collaboration with DonChristian Jones.
Filmed during the Rauschenberg Foundation Residency November 2017.