3 Church Walk

Emily Richardson

2014 | 00:12:56 | United Kingdom | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Architecture, Environment, Sound

3 Church Walk is a film made with writer Jonathan P. Watts and sound composer Simon Limbrick about the empty and neglected Suffolk house of modernist architect H. T. ‘Jim’ Cadbury-Brown.

3 Church Walk is a film about the modernist architect H.T. ‘Jim’ Cadbury- Brown’s Suffolk house that he and his wife Betty Dale designed and built in 1962 on a site originally earmarked by the composer Benjamin Britten for the Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts’ first opera stage. Cadbury-Brown was a British architect best known for his contribution to the design of the iconic Brutalist development of the Royal College of Art in London and earlier work on pavilions for the Festival of Britain in the summer of 1951.

3 Church Walk is a journey through the house in its abandoned state as he left it when he died in 2009. The soundtrack is composed from recordings of the objects, surfaces and materials of the house being played as though so many instruments, not unlike the way Britten played car springs or tea cups for his compositions The Burning Fiery Furnace and Noye’s Fludde.

Dir/Prod: Emily Richardson
Camera/Editor: Emily Richardson
Writer: Jonathan P. Watts
Sound composer: Simon Limbrick
Thanks to the Cadbury-Brown Estate.
Made with the generous support of Arts Council England.

3 Church Walk is part of a trilogy of films collected in House Works: reFraming the Modern House.

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