I Was There Part III

Chi Jang Yin

2021 | 00:06:57 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | Video

Collection: New Releases, Single Titles

Tags: History, Memory, War

The film reexamines J. Robert Oppenheimer's speech at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1958. I Was There is a trilogy of experimental documentary films that explores the problem of radiation, our society's fading collective memory of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the unresolved debate between ethics and science. These series concern the immediate effects of weaponized nuclear technology, as invisible poison, on the human body.

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Prizes + Awards

Short Documentary Award Winner, Ecocine International Environmental and Human Rights Film Festival, Brazil

Exhibitions + Festivals

The 12th Seattle Asian American Film Festival, Seattle

The 28th Chicago Underground Film Festival

Antakya International Film Festival, Turkey

Vienna International Human Rights Film Festival, Austria 

Chicago Underground Film Festival

Related Titles

I Was There
I Was There Part II