Displaying 100 of 220 artists starting with M
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist Year Collection
Metropolitan Monologues George Kuchar 2000 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Miami Drive, Draft Counsel, Superman in the Grove Videofreex 1971 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Michael Robinson Videoworks: Volume 1 Michael Robinson 2019 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Annette Michelson: Conversations Artists Television Network 1980 On Art and Artists, Interviews
MICKRYS Sara Magenheimer 2011 Single Titles
Mictlantecuhtli Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2023 New Releases, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Midnight Carnival Mike Kuchar 2011 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Midnight Lullaby Tom Rubnitz 1980 Single Titles
Midnight Lullaby Leehy Packer 1980 Single Titles
The Migration of the Blubberoids George Kuchar 1989 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Mike Builds A Shelter Michael Smith 1985 Single Titles
Mike Mandel and Larry Sultan: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1976 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mikveh Adrian Garcia Gomez 2016 Single Titles
Mined Soil Filipa César 2014 Single Titles
Miracle Margaret Stratton 2001 Single Titles
Helen Mirra Videoworks: Volume 1 Helen Mirra 1998 Single Artist Compilations
Mirrors Eiko Otake 2023 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Miscelánea Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2021 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
The Misfits: 30 Years of Fluxus Lars Movin 1993 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Miss Menu's Interactive World Norman Cowie 1996 Single Titles
Mary Miss: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1978 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mississippians Dana Levy 2021 Single Titles
Mistaken Identities Christine Tamblyn 1995 Single Titles
Mitchell's Death Linda Mary Montano 1977 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Joan Mitchell: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1974 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixed Feelings Mike Kuchar 2019 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Mixing It Up II (Rickard, McCauley, Baca, Sun..) University of Colorado 1989 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixing It Up III (Lamar, Liu, Simpson, Vargas) University of Colorado 1990 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixing It Up IV (Kano, O'Grady, Sakiestewa, Munoz) University of Colorado 1991 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixing It Up V (Barranza, Cheang, Scott, Tsinhnahjinnie) University of Colorado 1992 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixing It Up VI: Image Wars (Harris, Buitron, Green, Lord, and Soe) University of Colorado 1993 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mixing It Up VII (Mixed Blood Issues) University of Colorado 1994 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Mnemonics of Shape and Reason Sky Hopinka 2021 New Releases, Single Titles
Mobilize Caroline Monnet 2015 Single Titles
Moby Richard Emily Breer 1999 Single Titles
Modern Times Max Almy 1979 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Mogul is Mobil Volume III Redux Susan Mogul 1975 Single Titles
Mohamed Yousry: A Life Stands Still Mary Billyou 2006 Single Titles
Mohamed Yousry: A Life Stands Still Annelisse Fifi 2006 Single Titles
Mom in Famous Women Ilene Segalove 1978 Single Titles
The Mom Tapes Ilene Segalove 1974 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Mom's Move Susan Mogul 2018 Single Titles
Le Moment David Claerbout 2003 Single Titles
Mon ami Imad et le taxi (My Friend Imad and the Taxi) Olga Nakkas 1985 Single Titles
Mon ami Imad et le taxi (My Friend Imad and the Taxi) Hassan Zbib 1985 Single Titles
Mondo Toronto Glenn Belverio 1994 Single Titles
Monet Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Money Videofreex 1970 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Monitor Lynda Benglis 1999 Single Titles
Meredith Monk: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1977 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Montage Embers Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Linda M. Montano's Seven Years of Living Art Maida Barbour 1994 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Linda M. Montano: 14 Years of Living Art Jennifer Fisher 2004 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Linda M. Montano 1984: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1984 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Moods for the New Age Mike Kuchar 2018 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Moodscapes Mike Kuchar 2018 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Moon Veils Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2021 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Morayngava Virginia Valadão 1997 Single Titles
Morayngava Video in the Villages 1997 Single Titles
Mordängeln Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
More Real Than Reality Itself A. L. Steiner 2014 Single Titles
More TV Stories Ilene Segalove 1985 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Morel's Yellow Pages Filipa César 2012 Single Titles
Morsel Beach George Kuchar 1997 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Ree Morton: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1974 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Moscow Postcards Hans Breder 1989 Single Titles
Moscow X Ken Kobland 1993 Single Titles
Mother in Twilight Eiko Otake 2019 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Mother-in-Law Descending a Staircase Kent Lambert 2004 Single Titles
The Motherfucker's Birthday Saif Alsaegh 2024 New Releases, Single Titles
Motivation of the Carcasoids George Kuchar 1988 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Motorist Chip Lord 1989 Single Titles
Carlos Motta: An Interview Video Data Bank 2014 Interviews, On Art and Artists
Mourning Eiko & Koma 2007 Eiko & Koma, Single Titles
Mourning Images Akram Zaatari 1995 Single Titles
Movement Exercises Sarah Friedland 2022 New Releases, Single Artist Compilations
Movements of an impossible time Flatform 2011 Single Titles
Movie Memo George Kuchar 2006 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Moving or Being Moved Sabine Gruffat 2020 Single Titles
Moving Stories Nicolas Provost 2011 Single Titles
Moyngo, The dream of Maragareum Video in the Villages 2003 Single Titles
Mrs. Bobby Seale Videofreex 1969 Videofreex Archive
Much handled things are always soft Derrick Woods-Morrow 2019 Single Titles
Muffled Darkness George Kuchar 1987 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Multiple Barbie Joe Gibbons 1998 Single Titles
Laura Mulvey: An Interview Video Data Bank 1992 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Mumble Lynda Benglis 1972 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Munchies of Melody Manor George Kuchar 1990 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Mural Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2024 New Releases, Single Titles
Murmurs of the Hearth George Kuchar 2001 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Elizabeth Murray 1977: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1977 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Elizabeth Murray 1982: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1982 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Muse Frank Gillette 1974 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Museum Intervention Works Dana Levy 2016 Single Artist Compilations
Museum Piece John Smith 2004 Single Titles
Museums will eat your lunch Martha Rosler 2013 Single Titles
Music at Night Dani Leventhal ReStack 2009 Single Titles
Music at Night Steve Reinke 2009 Single Titles
Music on Triggering Surfaces Peer Bode 1978 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Music Works Jem Cohen 2005 Single Titles