Video Data Bank is proud to represent the extensive video catalogs of renowned moving image makers George and Mike Kuchar.

George Kuchar

Saga of Magda

1990 | 00:18:00

A drama, enacted on the cornfields of Iowa, of a woman haunted by the legacy of her mother and the acts that lead to mom's downfall on the banks of a river.

The threat of disaster heightens the shallow into prominence, making their eventual fall all the more poignant as we see through their protective garments to view an eager beaver on the prowl.

George Kuchar

Video Album 3

1986 | 00:50:00

Curt McDowell, the director, on his feet and weaving in and out of this televised tapestry with gracious grossness and Hoosier-based hospitality.


George Kuchar

Big Ones Hurt

1992 | 00:21:00

The unstable earth becomes the epicenter of this videotape document which explores—in a fractured way—the relationships between the people, places, and furniture that sit atop the San Andreas Fault.

Colors swirl and shift amid pulsating blobs of light as a voice from the past takes us on an antiquated journey to the future and beyond.

George Kuchar

Shutter Buggies

1996 | 00:12:00

Cameras aim and click in this breezy short that blows hot and cold kisses to the "Big Apple" below and the maple leaf above and beyond the northern border of this great nation.

A party of past students illuminates this diary of boxed dreams, as those enclosed face the real world and nurture into existence the future people of the next millennium.

In this sequel to Rainy Season, George recovers from his depression and experiences a "little joy" during a New Year's Eve of champagne cork-popping.

George Kuchar

Sherman Acres

1992 | 01:32:14

A drama in six episodes involving psychological breakdowns, marital showdowns, and messy obsessions.

George Kuchar

Rancho Roulette

1994 | 00:58:00

A massive video drama made with my students at the San Francisco Art Institute that chronicles a man and wife parting ways amid the clatter of dice in a gambling resort on a painted desert of painted women and panting men.

A bloated rendering of fear and loathing in the Bible Belt—a belt unable to circumscribe the girth of garbage that threatens to tear asunder the very fabric of Southern society.

A video I made with students at the California College of Arts and Crafts.