Video Data Bank is proud to represent the extensive video catalogs of renowned moving image makers George and Mike Kuchar.

George Kuchar

The GODmother

2003 | 00:28:00

This crime drama made with my students at the San Francisco Art Institute is a mixed bag of colorful misadventures featuring a wayward member of the clergy and a corrupting, femme fatale with bangs.

There is so much to absorb: the wetness from the sky. The hooded figure in the box. A big plate of pasta, and that chair on wheels. Messages of moral guidance clash with actions that are on a collision course with dilapidation.

George Kuchar

FlashBulb Alley

2008 | 00:10:00

A trip to the Los Angeles film festival leads to a glamorous gauntlet of flashing smiles and flashing bulbs that add the extra “humph” to a reunion of old friends.

George Kuchar


2010 | 00:23:40

Once again a seaside serenade of sloshing oils and simmering scallops fills the crannies of Cape Cod with dingle-berries of dubious delight!  Join a crew of crustacean craving civilians as they shuck their shells of inhibitions to become the…

Mike Kuchar

Keeper of Secrets

2017 | 00:28:00

He peels away layers of secrets to you for what you are, and he likes scars because they tell stories.

George Kuchar

Fashion Vixen

2002 | 00:50:00

This sprawling drama about a group of country folk sucked into the fashion world of magazine layouts and romantic intrigue features a cast of glamorously garbed gals and good-natured bumpkins.

The annual holiday video is off and swinging with this foray into festive chatter and explosive fireworks. Sweet treats are served up along with ice cream and jungle jingles befitting this season of goodwill toward man and beast.

A vain, self centered mother competes with her daughter in the world of carnivorous men and sleazy movies.

George Kuchar


2010 | 00:19:52

From the outskirts of Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the innards of a castle of contraptions, this video explores the creative bric-a-brac of several entities who pioneered a wired frontier filled with fire wires and fire water.  Join them as they…

Mike Kuchar

Summer Sins

2014 | 00:11:01

... There is a garden in the dark hunger of his psyche where forbidden fruit grows.

— Mike Kuchar

George Kuchar

Matinee Idylls

2001 | 00:12:00

At the San Francisco Art Institute, a studio awaits the onslaught of creative concoctions perpetrated by a bearded atrocity who now hovers over past malpractices that cast a Technicolor pall over the whitewashed walls.

I’m not the only one eating my way through this sunny travelette as several other species dig into the goodies too.