Elisabeth Subrin Videoworks

Elisabeth Subrin


Collection: Single Artist Compilations

Tags: Documentation, Experimental Film, Feminism, History

Elisabeth Subrin Videoworks

Video Data Bank is proud to present a compilation of celebrated titles by the artist Elisabeth Subrin, featuring four award-winning video works: Swallow (1995), Shulie (1997), The Fancy (2000), and Well, Well, Well (2002), each of which engage conventions of documentary and experimental narrative. Available together for the first time, these conceptual projects work strategically to undermine their own forms, shifting historical periods, genres and identifications to explore the nature of psychological "disorder," the residual impact of feminism and the hazy boundaries between fiction and non-fiction.

In the end, Subrin’s films and videos always return to the sober realization that there are innumerable obstacles to any attempt at understanding ourselves and our place in the world. Her efforts to express the fluidity of truth are vital in an age when new methods of recording experiences and information abound. All too aware of how flawed approaches taint memory, Subrin invents new procedures for chronicling history.

— Nicole Armour, Film Comment, November 2000

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Included Titles

Elisabeth Subrin


1995 | 00:28:07

Based on accounts of girlhood anorexia, Swallow unravels the masked and shifting symptoms that define clinical depression. With a densely layered soundtrack, humorous and painful scenes of potential…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Feminism, Health, Holiday, Language, Mental Landscape

Elisabeth Subrin


1997 | 00:36:38

"A cinematic doppelganger without precedent, Elisabeth Subrin’s Shulie uncannily and systemically bends time and cinematic code alike, projecting the viewer 30 years into the past to…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Feminism

Elisabeth Subrin

The Fancy

2000 | 00:35:21

The Fancy is a speculative, experimental work that explores the life of Francesca Woodman (1958-1981), evoked by the published catalogues of and about her photographs. Structural in form, the video…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Death and Dying, Feminism, Gender, Photography, Sexuality

An experimental video for electro-feminist-performance-artists Le Tigre, the early eighties MTV aesthetic unpacks a thoroughly current obsession: the hidden erotics of office supplies.This title is…

Collections: Single Titles
Tags: Feminism, Music, Music Video, Performance