Video Data Bank is proud to represent the extensive video catalogs of renowned moving image makers George and Mike Kuchar.

Behind the yellow gates is a realm that sparkles like diamonds under a desert sun.

Strap on your back-pack and enter green spaces where a Satyr behind each tree lures you to "Rabbit Holes" you might not be able to get out of.

People black and blue with life’s bruises, People who glow red with hot passions, or turn deep purple with spiritual purpose are here, boldly rendered in the widescreen format.

Mike Kuchar


2000 | 00:39:20

In these "plays" for the camera, the lushness of an afternoon tryst with it’s perfumed colors is displayed center stage.

An artist looses faith in the world his brush depicts...

Embark on an expressive excursion into the body of a young man who’s lips issue words from his soul.

Primal urges and lofty aspirations saturate this lush excursion into the human landscape where internal battles rage – see pens spill forth poems – observe the paintbrush dripping passions, as writers and…

Take a trip into and out of the body to ponder Time’s endless depths where Earth spirits roam and inner Demons lurk, and find secrets that hide behind the "self".

Mike Kuchar

God's Men

2016 | 00:38:20

Flesh and blood souls breathe forth the colors of doubt, guilt and a hope for "peace of mind" in a world without moral directions...

Five prayers are sent skyward, and five curses get directed inward by those living in the purgatory of "modern life"... Attend this moody Mass in the church of "thoughts and feelings"... It will uplift you.…

Mike Kuchar

Open Hearts

2018 | 00:43:55

Cupid’s arrow pierces the heart of five individuals.

In a fragrant garden warmed by the sun, a young man inhales the atoms of the world and exhales thoughts that probe the very essence of his existence.